Hi all~~
Hope you enjoy visiting this blog...
and yeah, i have a little minor blog
it contain all the lyric that i translated/taken fr other site...
N all the lyrics here are taken from that minor blog of mine.. ^^
if you want to check the lyrics, just drop by... ^^
it's here

Monday, June 1, 2009

Youtube?? What's wrong with you??!!

Im really really ... confused... with youtube...

i dont what i've done wrong...

i've got warnings for my video...

and now, almost a week i can't upload even a single video.... 

short one, long one, heavy one, lighter one...

that's all doesn't work...

does anyone know whats wrong with youtube? why cant i post my vid? is it because of the warning? I think it shouldn't be a problem. the poblem is : if my account get deleted...

why does anyone bother my video?

i sub that on my own!!!!!!!!

hate you!!!!!

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